
Implementation Of 5G Network In India And Its Regulatory Challenges

Implementation Of 5G Network In India And Its Regulatory Challenges

Hi-Speed mobile networks have revolutionized the telecommunication sector. Mobile networks have evolved over the years. It began as early as the mid-40s to the late-70s with 0G, which is referred to as the mobile radio telephone.

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Non-Traditional Trade Marks: Relevance & Acceptance In India

Non-Traditional Trade Marks: Relevance & Acceptance In India

The trademark owners have been adopting various forms of marks to distinguish their trade from others. The everlasting zeal to be different and achieve recognition have led to the development of non-traditional

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Law Firm Management To IPR Criticalness – Excerpts From Lex Witness’ Conversation With Sudeep Chatterjee, Partner, Singh & Singh Law Firm LLP

Law Firm Management To IPR Criticalness – Excerpts From Lex Witness’ Conversation With Sudeep Chatterjee, Partner, Singh & Singh Law Firm LLP

A law firm becomes successful due to a culmination of various traits. Some of the important aspects of a successful law firm

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Protecting Our Jugaad: Implementation Of A Utility Model Regime In India

Protecting Our Jugaad: Implementation Of A Utility Model Regime In India

In the Year of 2017 a famous colloquial Hindi word, “Jugaad” found its way into the Oxford Dictionary. The official definition…

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ADR’s Latent Ability To Resolve Intellectual Property Disputes

ADR’s Latent Ability To Resolve Intellectual Property Disputes

The method of resolving disputes through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), is deep rooted in the Indian Culture and instances of the same can be traced back to the days of Ramayana and Mahabharata. In Mahabharata

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Transformative Metamorphosis Under Copyright Law

Transformative Metamorphosis Under Copyright Law

A lot of people take inspiration from other’s copyrighted work to create something new, whether it is a movie, song, or painting. No matter whether the inspired work is adaptive work…

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Players Involved In Cybercrime & Role Of Intermediaries

Players Involved In Cybercrime & Role Of Intermediaries

Technological advancement and easy accessibility of Internet has made the burgeoning cyberspace vulnerable and the repercussions associated with it can be Withessed in the recent times.

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Can Hashtags Be Registered As Trademark?

Can Hashtags Be Registered As Trademark?

Today, social media plateforms have emerged as one of the most powerful marketing channels for brand owners, and hashtags have become a populer and effective marketing tool.

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Author’s Moral Rights And Owner’s Copyright: The Incongruous Interplay

Author’s Moral Rights And Owner’s Copyright: The Incongruous Interplay

The aim of all artistic, Literary and musical work is to represent its internal significance…

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Is Geographical Indication Sufficient To AID The Indian Economy?

Is Geographical Indication Sufficient To AID The Indian Economy?

Geographical Indication (GI) is a type of Intellectual Property, which aims at identifing a product with its uniqueness specific to a region or a method of traditional production.

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Artificial Intelligence & Copyright

Artificial Intelligence & Copyright

Artificial Intelligence(AI) is not a new concept and has been studied for decades and even today, its remains one of the most obscure subjects in Computer Science.

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Copyrights, Cover Versions And The Muddle

Copyrights, Cover Versions And The Muddle

Knowledge flourishes only if shared. However, writing anything in this era where censure is celebrated more than skepticism, always poses great risk for an another.

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